奧舒雅設計有限公司 Ozure Design Limited

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Ozure Design Ltd. was founded in 2004 with a few basic principles in mind. User comfort, property and spatial value adding, effective construction engineering and last but not least, relevance of design elements for a client specific outcome. There are many critical factors that will lead up to the successful completion of a project and we would be very happy to discuss these with you.

We provide a client friendly inception point from site survey to quotation and budgeting, with an understanding of implications of building element changes that may be necessary. Professional advice are given with an informed approach backed up by our background, experience and knowledge base which include the building regulations and current registered minor works contracting system, helping our clients to make the best informed decisions and having the peace of mind in the long run.

Our substantial experience in residential, corporate and hospitality design works will make us a well qualified partner for meeting your design services need.

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